The Local Flour Supplier For Artisan Bakeries The Length and Breadth of The United Kingdom
Nelstrops is one of the oldest flour producers in the United Kingdom, and we are especially proud of our long and distinguished heritage. We are passionate about developing and producing flour of the highest possible quality, which is one of the reasons that so many artisan bakeries up and down the country only use Nelstrop Flours.

As a family-owned and operated business, we have that old-fashioned sense of community and customer service baked into our DNA. We are very much a part of the local business community and actively support good causes wherever possible.

Another example of our attention to detail and commitment to the local area is how and where we source our raw ingredients. Where possible, we source all of our wheat from local farmers, first and foremost, because we know and understand that utilising the best ingredients ensures that our flours retain the high quality and taste for which they are renowned. But secondly, because we want to support our local farmers and ensure that we do whatever we can to help other local business owners to share in our success.
We view our suppliers as partners of our business, where we work together for the mutual benefit of both companies in the short, medium and long term. This helps to provide our partners with an increased sense of security and enables them to plan their business growth with more confidence and certainty, safe in the knowledge that we are committed to working with and supporting them. In return, our partners know the importance we place on having the best quality ingredients to go into our flour, which is why they consistently strive to produce the best quality wheat they can.

Many of our customers also appreciate how we conduct our business because, in much the same way, they rely on our flour's unique taste and quality to set their products apart from their competition.
As many of our customers often tell us, once you use Nelstrops flour in your bread and cake products, no other flour will do. Artisan bakeries flourish on the delicious taste and texture of their products, and using Nelstrops flour is the secret ingredient for many of our artisan bakery customers.

Whether you have been running an artisan bakery for many years or are just in the process of launching your new business, we would love to be an integral part of your company. We are more than happy to discuss your individual requirements, and having worked with hundreds of artisan bakeries, we may even be able to provide you with some answers to the questions you may have been battling with.
Either way, we are confident that by choosing to use Nelstrop Flour in your bakery, you will be laying the foundations for a successful and profitable artisan bakery.