This Vital Ingredient Can Make Your Pizza Dough Rise To The Occasion

Anyone who decides to turn their hand to baking their own pizza obviously wants to achieve the best results possible.
As the popularity of making your own pizzas has grown, so has the number of gadgets and gizmos marketed at an ever-burgeoning market. However, whatever those manufacturers may try to tell you, the harsh reality is that whatever you put into your pizza will directly correlate to the taste, quality and texture of the finished pizza.
By choosing high-quality ingredients, you significantly increase the likelihood of a delicious pizza, and it is no secret that the flour you choose is the single most crucial ingredient.
What Are The Preferred Characteristics of A Good Quality Pizza Flour?
The key to choosing any flour for any purpose lies in your ability to be able to read and understand the characteristics of the flour.
The Strength of The Flour
The strength of the flour you choose is even more critical to the quality of the pizza than the degree of flour refinement. The strength is denoted by the protein value of the flour. Importantly, this is not just the percentage of protein but also the quality of that protein - better quality grains have better quality proteins. Those proteins form the structure of the dough, essentially dictating how long it will rise for without deflating, which is critical to know for any pizza. At Nelstrops we use the very highest quality grains and therefore proteins, which in turn make the very best quality pizzas.

Nelstrops 00 Pizza Flour Forza
At Nelstrops, we take great pride in all of the products we make, having been making our high-quality flours for over 200 years. Although some of our strong white flours could be an excellent choice for your homemade Pizzas, we wanted to design the ultimate pizza flour that would deliver outstanding results every single time.
And so we designed our Nelstrops 00 Pizza Flour Forza. This speciality flour is a Great Taste 3-star gold winner, which is perfect for all types of pizza making, including wood-fired or in a conventional oven.
It delivers a delicious-tasting base with excellent extensibility in the dough, enabling you to stretch the dough out and obtain that perfectly crisp crust everyone loves.